Sixteen Years and Still Going Strong

On this Independence Day, Scaldcrow Games celebrates our 16th year. We want to express our gratitude to our dedicated contributors and loyal players who stood by us through the years. Without their unwavering support, we would not be where we are today.

It’s hard to believe how much time has flown by since we first showcased The Dark Fantasy of Sundrah, at Origins 2007. Back then, we were all newbies trying to find our footing in the world of RPGs, barely able to keep up with the more established companies’ impressive displays and demo tables. However, we persisted, and today we are still thriving.

We thank you for your continued support and look forward to many more years of success together. From all of us at Scaldcrow Games, Happy Independence Day! 


T. Glenn Bane and The Scaldcrow Team.


  1. T. Glenn Bane on July 4, 2023 at 8:29 AM

    I can remember our booth, sitting on the corner of an aisle. Steve Jackson Games was right beside us on one side, drawing attention to their booth through loud showmanship, everything they did said “look and me!” I wondered if I was going to even be noticed. I employed a few different techniques, drew my line in the sand, and pulled my own crowd. Looking back, I did nothing without the help of some really incredible people; namely a key part of the original Team Castle gamers: Daryl Richmond, Tom Schiminsky, and Paul Witty. Thank you all so much for everything!