Halloween Cryptid Series: Fishmen

West Virginia Fishmen

Gather ’round, folks, and lend an ear to the whispers of the Appalachian Mountains. They tell a tale of strange folk dwelling in their rivers – the Fishmen of West Virginia. Half-human, half-fish, these cryptids have webbed hands and mighty tails for swift swimming. Some reckon they’re a new twist in the river’s tale of evolution. Now ain’t that a thought to chew on?

These elusive water-dwellers got cryptozoologists and scholars all stirred up, itching to learn more ’bout this peculiar aquatic breed. As the Fishmen keep to the shadows, we’re left with a heap of unanswered questions. But the search, oh it’s far from over…

Now, sightings are few and far between, but some folks reckon these mysterious beings might not be confined to our rivers alone. Could be they’ve set up shop in freshwater lakes, coastal waters, even the vast oceans. Maybe they’ve been hiding in plain sight for centuries, only now daring to show their scales.

The boffins studying these Fishmen have noticed a thing or two they share with other water critters. Sparks speculation, it does. Are these Fishmen an early evolutionary step? A hybrid species birthed by science gone awry? Or just a secluded bunch who’ve adapted to their watery home? The answers are as elusive as the creatures themselves.

Could they be kin of ours? The result of human meddling or mistreatment? Or just a unique breed making do in their niche? These questions hang heavy, but one thing’s clear – these Fishmen offer us a fresh look at humanity and our spot in this wild world. As we uncover more about their biology, habits, and way of life, we’ll gain a richer understanding of our own. So, let’s keep our eyes peeled and our nets ready, for the tale of the Fishmen is still being written…

There is very limited information available about this enigmatic creature. This could be due to the fact that cryptids, by their very nature are elusive. This cryptid is seldom a source of scrutiny due to its rare status. Write now we have to settle for a great deal of speculation, so let us offer you a version of this creature that will certainly add juicy posibilities to your ttrpg.

Name: Fishmen of West Virginia
Species: Cryptid (Fish-Human Hybrid)

Core Abilities:

  • Combat: 6

  • Agility: 7

  • Might: 5

  • Willpower: 7

  • X-Factor: 9

  • Magnitude: 8

  • Toughness: 7

  • Intelligence: 6

  • Perception: 8
Hits Score: 14


  • Secretive: 9

  • Adaptability: 8

  • Aquatic dependence: 10

  • Elusiveness: 10

  • Mysterious origins: 10

  • Uncertain loyalties: 8
  • Stealth: 8

  • Swimming: 10

  • Camouflage: 9

  • Tooth and Claw Damage: 9

  • Underwater survival: 10

  • Non-verbal communication: 7

  • Aquatic fauna knowledge: 8
Description: The Fishmen are an intriguing blend of man and aquatic creature, with green, glistening scales covering their bodies. Their eyes, a striking shade of deep indigo, are adapted for underwater vision. This unsettlingly humanoid carries no visible weapons but have sharp claws and teeth. Their gender remains undetermined.

The Fishmen of West Virginia are a cryptid species that have evaded human understanding. Their elusive nature and aquatic adaptations point towards a life spent mostly underwater. While their origins remain a mystery, their existence challenges our understanding of evolution and adaptation. With the ability to blend into their surroundings and survive in aquatic environments, they are a formidable species that command both fear and respect. As we continue to study them, we learn more about our own place in the world’s complex ecosystem.

10 Fishman Story Hooks

  1. The River’s Whispers: Local fishermen have been hearing strange whispers while out on the water late at night. They say it’s the Fishmen communicating. What are they saying, and why now?
  2. The Vanishing Anglers: Several anglers have gone missing after participating in the Master Angler challenge. Rumor has it that they encountered something strange in the water. Could the Fishmen be involved?
  3. The Monster of West Fork River: After a group of fishermen spotted a ‘river monster’ in the West Fork River, people are terrified to go near the water. The party must investigate if this is indeed a Fishman sighting.
  4. The Capsized Boat Mystery: A man’s body is found after his boat capsizes on a river. The cause of the accident is unclear, but some locals blame the elusive Fishmen. The party must uncover the truth.
  5. The Stolen Walleye: A significant number of walleye fish have been taken from Lake Erie. Locals claim it’s the work of Fishmen. Can the party catch the culprits and find out what’s really happening?
  6. The Economic Impact: Professor Leo Fishman claims the Fishmen could significantly impact West Virginia’s economy. The party must explore this theory and determine whether it’s a boon or bane.
  7. The Campground Encounter: Visitors at the Fishermen Paradise campground report eerie sightings and sounds coming from the nearby Tygart River. Are the Fishmen expanding their territory, or is something else at play?
  8. The Curse of the Golden Rainbow Trout: Local lore speaks of a cursed Golden Rainbow Trout that transforms anyone who catches it into a Fishman. Is it just a tale, or is there truth to the legend?
  9. The Disappearing Waters: Water levels in local fishing spots are mysteriously dropping. Some believe it’s the work of the Fishmen. The party must investigate and stop the environmental catastrophe.
  10. The Forbidden Fishing Zone: A section of the river has been declared off-limits by local authorities after a series of strange occurrences. The party must uncover what’s happening in this forbidden zone. Are the Fishmen behind it?

The River’s Whispers

In the remote, verdant reaches of West Virginia, where the rivers run like silver threads through the heart of the Appalachian wilderness, dwells a man named Josh Morrow. A seasoned fisherman, he is no stranger to the eerie solitude of the waterways under the moonlight. But of late, a strange phenomenon has been disturbing the tranquility of his nocturnal pursuits – an uncanny whispering that seems to emanate from the depths of the river itself

.Josh, a hardy soul shaped by the rugged landscape, is not easily unnerved. But these whispers unsettle him, their cadence too rhythmical, too deliberate, to be dismissed as mere tricks of the wind. It is as though the river has found a voice, a chilling, inhuman voice that murmurs unintelligible secrets to the silent night.

The local lore speaks of the Fishmen, grotesque aquatic entities that are said to inhabit the murky depths. Half-man, half-fish, they are beings of a nightmarish quality, their existence a dreadful blend of man’s fear and nature’s abhorrence. The whispers, the townsfolk suggest with hushed voices and fearful glances, could be the communication of these dreaded Fishmen.

One moonlit night, as Josh cast his line into the dark water, the whispers returned, louder and more insistent than ever. A cold dread gripped him as he strained to decipher the sounds. They swirled around him like a spectral fog, their tone urgent, their rhythm relentless.

Suddenly, the river’s surface broke, and a pair of emotionless, indigo-pearl eyes stared at him. A scaly hand reached out, its fingers grazing the edge of his boat, sending ripples across the water. The whispers grew deafening, forming an otherworldly chorus that echoed across the desolate landscape. And then, as suddenly as it had appeared, the creature submerged back into the river, leaving behind a chilling silence.

Josh Morrow, once a man of few fears, now finds himself haunted by the whispers of the river and the dreadful gaze of the Fishmen. The once tranquil night fishing has turned into an eerie vigil, filled with murmurs of the unknown and the ever-present fear of what lurks beneath the water’s surface. The Fishmen, it seems, have a message for him. But what could it be, and why now? Only the river knows, and it whispers its secrets to the silent night, waiting for someone to understand.


  1. DresdenFan 1083 on September 30, 2023 at 3:45 PM

    Ye Gods and Little Fishes, what a creature!