My wife suggested I share horror movie reviews with my RPG community. I have no film background but love horror and have experience in storytelling and game design. I’ll give reviews with a skull and cross rating system, comprised of 1-3 skulls and 1-3 crosses, one is the lowest and three is the highest. Crosses judge quality and acting/plot believability, while skulls relate to chills, thrills, and basic horror elements and execution.


Total Score 1.6 Skulls/2.0 Crosses

The movie Creepshow III features several stories with varying degrees of success. The introduction animation was simplistic and looked somewhat cheap. The franchise is known for memorable practical effects and comic-book-like animated shorts, but this installment falls short.

The first story, which we will call Alice, has been done numerous times in different genres. The acting is neither great nor terrible, and the main character’s dialogue lacks urgency and a real sense of horror or agency.

The second story, which we call Signals, is more compelling, well-acted, and surprising where it needs to be.

The third story, we call CGK, is predictable but executed well enough to make it watchable.

Unfortunately, the fourth story, we are calling Sprockets, tries to fix what didn’t work in the previous stories but ends up breaking some of the things that did. It is very predictable and lacks story and plot, relying on pointless gore, which cheapens the film experience. ‘

The fifth and final story is redundant and pointless, and we are not even bothering to give it a stand-in name.

While the movie is acted well enough, the horror is not believable enough to support the suspension of disbelief, resulting in few actual chills and thrills. Overall, it is not recommended as a horror film worth watching.

Stay tuned to more reviews throughout October.


  1. Henry P. on October 3, 2023 at 5:42 PM

    Thanks for the warning. I had it on a list of movies to see this season. No more!

    • Glenn Bane on October 3, 2023 at 7:15 PM

      Of course, horror is a very broad field of appeal. What I don’t like somebody else might. I only give my opinion. If you do decide to watch it, I would love to hear your opinion.