Halloween Cryptid Series: Snarly Yow

The Snarly Yow

The Snarly Yow is a cryptid that has been reported in the mountains near Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, possibly since the first Germans settled in the upper Potoma1. The creature is often described as a large black dog-like apparition and is known for the yowling sound it makes through a mouth filled with teeth2.

What sets the Snarly Yow apart from other cryptids is that it isn’t physical. This suggests that it may be more of a spectral or paranormal entity rather than a corporeal beast.

Around the turn of the century, a beast resembling a huge dog with large paws and an ugly red mouth was known to exist on South Mountain, east of Hagerstown. The Snarly Yow has also been sighted at various spots on South Mountain, Maryland.

Character Profile: Snarly Yow

Core Abilities:

• Combat: 10+4 (Renowned beast, known to be intimidating)
• Agility: 7 (Above average, owing to its dog-like nature)
• Might: 8 (Expert strength, based on reported size and ferocity)
• Willpower: 6 (Trained, as it is persistent in its appearances)
• X-Factor: 9 (Highly trained expert ability, mysterious and elusive)
• Magnitude: 10+4 (Renowned beast, known to be intimidating)
• Toughness: 8 (Expert resilience, as it disappears when attacked)
• Intelligence: 5 (Slightly above average, seems to exhibit some awareness)
• Perception: 8 (Expert, often appears at opportune moments)

Hits Score: 20


• Elusive: 9
• Intimidating: 8
• Mysterious: 8
• Fear-inducing: 7
• Persistent: 6
• Spectral: 10


• Stealth: 8
• Intimidation: 8
• Evasion: 7
• Territoriality: 7
• Manifestation: 10
• Disappearance: 9

Encounter Description:
The Snarly Yow, a large spectral black dog with glowing red eyes, has an intimidating presence. Its gender is indeterminate, and its hair, while shaggy, seems to ripple like shadow.

The Snarly Yow, a cryptid from West Virginia’s folklore, has been haunting the mountains near Harpers Ferry for centuries. Reports describe it as a large, spectral black dog that yowls through a mouth filled with teeth. Despite its menacing appearance, it seems to be more of a spectral entity, known to disappear when attacked. The Snarly Yow’s existence continues to be a topic of local legend and intrigue, with sightings reported to this day.

10 Story Hooks for Your Game

  1. The Howl of the Yow: The party is hired to investigate unusual, chilling howls that have been echoing through the mountainous region outside Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. Locals believe it’s the Snarly Yow, a spectral dog-like creature, haunting the area.
  2. The Shadow in the Woods: Campers have reported sightings of a large, black creature with glowing red eyes near their campsites. When they tried to approach, it vanished. Is it the Snarly Yow? It’s up to the party to find out.
  3. The Yow’s Curse: An age-old local tale speaks of a curse associated with the Snarly Yow. Anyone who encounters it three times will meet an untimely end. A local has seen it twice and begs the party for protection.
  4. The Yow’s Prey: Domestic animals are disappearing from the local farms. The only clue left behind is the echo of a terrifying yowl on the wind. The villagers suspect the Snarly Yow and ask the party for help.
  5. The Vanishing Beast: The party comes across a wounded, black dog-like creature. But when they attempt to help, it vanishes before their eyes. Is this the elusive Snarly Yow?
  6. The Yow’s Trail: The party is tasked with tracking the Snarly Yow after a wealthy collector offers a substantial reward for proof of its existence. They must tread carefully though, as the creature is known to react aggressively to intruders.
  7. The Yow’s Lair: Local legends tell of a cave where the Snarly Yow is said to reside. Recently, strange noises are emanating from this cave. The party must explore it and uncover the truth.
  8. The Yow’s Prophecy: An old seer has a vision of the Snarly Yow bringing doom to the village. The party must decipher this prophecy and prevent the impending disaster.
  9. The Yow’s Messenger: The party encounters the Snarly Yow, but instead of attacking, it leaves a cryptic message before disappearing. They must decode the message and discover its purpose.
  10. The Yow’s Pact: A local warlock claims to have formed a pact with the Snarly Yow and is using its power for nefarious deeds. The party must intervene and break this dangerous alliance.

Echoes in the Shadows: A Tale of the Snarly Yow

Ah, dear listeners, gather ’round and let me spin you a tale of the Snarly Yow, a creature of shadow and dread from the misty mountains of West Virginia. Its form, a spectral hound of inky blackness, with eyes like burning embers in the dead of night. It looms large and silent in the moonlight, its shaggy silhouette barely distinguishable from the darkness around it.

The stillness of the night is pierced by its chilling howl, a sound that sends shivers down the spine of the bravest men. It prowls the wilderness, unseen, unheard, until its terrifying yowl echoes through the valleys, freezing the blood in one’s veins.

When confronted, my dear friends, it does not fight but fades into the shadows, disappearing as if it had never been there at all. Yet its presence lingers, a chill in the air, a sense of impending doom.

They say it is a harbinger of misfortune, an omen of death. But who can tell? For those who have seen it, speak not of it, for fear the Snarly Yow might hear their whispers and come calling. Yes, my friends, such is the tale of the Snarly Yow, a tale to chill your bones on this dark and stormy night.


  1. DeeDee Burns on October 7, 2023 at 10:36 AM

    i like that you give an explanation of the numeric scores. this is an interesting creature.