Gate Keeping: Spotting It, and Stopping It

A.T. Worth here inviting you to join me as we investigate the foul phenomena of Gate keeping. Imagine you’ve always wanted to join a group of players for your favorite Tabletop Role-Playing Game (TTRPG). You know the basic rules, you have an exciting character idea, and you’re ready for hours of fun and adventure. But when you approach the group, you notice a few things: they all look alike, talk in a language you don’t understand, and seem to ignore you or even mock you for being newer or different than them. This is what we call gate keeping, and unfortunately, it’s more common than we think in the TTRPG community. In this blog post, we’ll explore what gate keeping is, how it can ruin the enjoyment of others, and what we can do to stop it.


First, let’s define gate keeping. Gate keeping is a term that originated on the internet and referred to the practice of limiting or controlling access to a certain community or identity. More recently, it has been applied to various forms of social exclusion, elitism, and discrimination in different fields, including TTRPGs. In essence, gate keeping means that someone who is already part of a group sets arbitrary rules or standards to prevent newcomers or outsiders from joining or participating freely. This can manifest in different ways in TTRPGs, such as:

  1. Demanding a certain level of knowledge or experience before you can play.
  2. Insisting on specific rules interpretations or house rules without considering others.
  3. Refusing to play with people who don’t share your gender, ethnicity, sexuality, or background.
  4. Ridiculing or excluding someone’s character concept or playstyle because it doesn’t fit your expectations.
  5. Displaying intimidating or exclusive behavior towards newcomers or different points of view.
  6. Ignoring or belittling a player’s concerns, feedback, or preferences.
  7. Prioritizing the group’s dynamics or “in-jokes” over the gameplay or storytelling experience as a whole.

These are just some examples of what gate keeping can look like in TTRPGs. The key issue is that it creates unnecessary barriers, limits creativity and diversity, and fosters a toxic or hostile environment for people who don’t fit into the dominant group’s vision of the game. It can also discourage beginners from trying, make everyone feel uncomfortable or unwelcome, and harm the reputation of the TTRPG community as a whole.

So, how can we spot gate keeping in action? Here are a few red flags to watch out for:

  1. People who consistently exclude or interrupt others in a conversation or game.
  2. People who brag about their skills or knowledge at the expense of others’ enjoyment.
  3. People who use derogatory language or stereotypes to describe other players or characters.
  4. People who mock or criticize someone’s choices or ideas without offering constructive feedback or alternatives.
  5. People who dismiss or ignore someone’s questions or suggestions.
  6. People who claim that only one way to play the game is the “right” or “best” way.
  7. People who seem more interested in dominating the group or the story than collaborating or listening to others.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to speak up and address the behavior directly, preferably with the support of other players or a game master. Don’t assume that the gatekeeper is intentionally being mean or malicious; sometimes, they might not realize the impact of their actions or have their own insecurities and biases. However, don’t excuse or tolerate their behavior either, as that will only enable them to continue and harm others. Instead, try to:

  1. Explain why the gate keeping is harmful or unfair, using examples or anecdotes.
  2. Ask the gatekeeper to explain their reasoning or expectations, and try to find common ground or compromise.
  3. Offer alternative solutions or ideas that can make the game more inclusive or enjoyable for everyone.
  4. Encourage the gatekeeper to listen to others’ perspectives and feedback, and to learn from them.
  5. Invite other players or resources that can provide different viewpoints or insights, such as online forums, podcasts, or articles.
  6. Hold the gatekeeper accountable for their actions, and follow through with consequences if they refuse to change or apologize.
  7. Support and encourage those who might be affected by the gate keeping, and reassure them that they are valued and welcome in the game.

In Conclusion Dear Readers

Gate keeping is a serious issue that can damage the TTRPG community in numerous ways. By setting artificial or harmful standards, it erects walls between players, stifles creativity and diversity, and poisons the enjoyment of the game for everyone. However, by recognizing the signs of gate keeping, speaking up about it, and taking action to address it, we can create a more welcoming, inclusive, and rewarding experience for all players, regardless of their backgrounds, identities, or skill levels. Remember, no one has the right to tell you how to have fun in your TTRPGs, and nobody should be excluded or bullied out of the game they love. Let’s keep the gates open for all to join!

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