Celebrating 15 Years in Gaming

Scaldcrow Games officially began fifteen years ago at Origins in Ohio. Officially launched on the 4th of July, We began with The Dark Fantasy of Sundrah, an RPG fantasy set in a dark fantasy milieu. Since then we have continued with new titles in the pulp genre under the series heading: of Worlda of Pulp. These books are: Davey Beauchamp’s Amazing Pulp Adventures (1940s), Rotwang City: The City of Shadows (1930s), Ron Fortier’s Cape Noire (1930s), Wild West Horse Opera (1870s), as well as numerous supplements for DFOS, and an expanding collection of random generic event generators, and Little Buck’s Fantastic Visions illustrations. It’s been a helluva 15 years. We have hit bumps and snags, even working through personal injury, illness, and Covid-19 to get here, but we are still signaling full speed ahead.

To each of you: Thank you all so much for putting up with me for the past 15 years. I look forward to continuing to provide innovative gaming on into the future.
T. Glenn Bane
Scaldcrow Games