Cryptids and Legends of West Virginia

The Mothman

Have you ever dreamed of exploring a land filled with mythical creatures, forgotten secrets, and mysterious folklore? Then you’ll be delighted to hear about the cryptids of West Virginia! This hidden realm is home to an array of legendary monsters, spirits, and other strange phenomena. From “fishmen” lurking in the rivers to bigfoot sightings in the forests – even tales of ghostly lights and howls heard in abandoned coal mines – these tales have stood the test of time. So if you’re curious enough to venture into this eerie landscape, read on for more details about your possible encounters!

These cryptids, native to the hills and mountains, are elusive and mysterious with little to no scientific evidence to back up their existence. Ranging from Bigfoot-like creatures, such as the “Sheepsquatch” and to the aquatic “Ozark Howler.” Despite decades of reported sightings and area legends, these creatures remain shrouded in mystery, leaving many to wonder if they truly exist or are simply tall tales. From the Appalachian Mountains to the depths of the damp forests, the cryptids here continue to captivate and intrigue us all.

• The Mothman, a legendary creature, has captivated the imaginations of many with its eerie presence and extraordinary abilities. Renowned for its aerial prowess, this cryptid has been sighted in the vicinity around Point Pleasant, and has even been associated with other peculiar phenomena including UFO sightings and paranormal activity. Described as a sizable, winged being with piercing, glowing red eyes, the Mothman boasts an impressive wingspan of 12 feet, its dark-hued body roaming the skies or perched upon tree branches, as recounted by various reports. Since its initial sighting in Point Pleasant back in 1966, people have continuously reported encounters with the Mothman, with some even claiming to have witnessed its presence as recently as 2015. It is even believed to haunt specific areas, instilling fear and terror in those who bear witness to its presence.

The Mothman has enraptured the collective imagination with enigmatic tales of mystery and wonder. With accounts linking it to peculiar phenomena ranging from UFO sightings to paranormal occurrences, the Mothman has become synonymous with extraordinary otherworldly encounters. Some perceive it as a benevolent guardian angel, offering protection in our times of need. Others argue that it serves as an omen of doom, forewarning us of impending danger. Regardless of the numerous theories, one thing is certain: the Mothman’s captivating allure is undeniable. Whether it’s the majestic beating of its wings or the brilliance radiating from its eyes, the charm of the Mothman is truly captivating. Intriguing and mysterious, the Mothman continues to be one of the most captivating creatures ever documented. Its legend endures, evoking curiosity and fascination among those who yearn to unravel the enigma it presents.

Flatwoods Monster

• Deep in the woods of Braxton County, West Virginia lurks a mysterious creature known as the Flatwoods Monster. The legend began in 1952, when a group of children stumbled upon a terrifying sight: a towering figure with glowing red eyes, emitting a noxious mist that caused illness and disorientation. Described as a bipedal being, nine or ten feet tall, with a spade-shaped head and claw-like hands, the Flatwoods Monster has been the subject of countless sightings and investigations. Some claim it is an extraterrestrial visitor, while others believe it to be a mutated creature from the nearby hills. Whoever or whatever the Flatwoods Monster may be, its eerie presence continues to captivate and terrify those who dare to venture into its territory. If you’re brave enough, the next time you visit Braxton County, keep an eye out for this strange and fascinating creature. You never know what you might find!

Indrid Cold

• In the annals of the unexplained, there are few accounts that are as strange and unsettling as the sightings of Indrid Cold. It was on October 16, 1966, in New Jersey, that Martin “Mouse” Munov and James “Jimmy” Yanchitis first encountered this enigmatic figure, whom they would later refer to as the “Strangest Man” they had ever seen. And then, just a few weeks later, on November 2, 1966, in West Virginia, Woodrow Derenberger had his own encounter with this bizarre entity.

What Derenberger saw was a craft that defied all explanation. It resembled a lantern, with a bulge in the middle and flared ends. And then, as if from nowhere, a strange being emerged from the craft. It was Indrid Cold, and it introduced itself to Derenberger through telepathy. Derenberger managed to have a brief conversation with the alien being.

Indrid Cold claimed to have come from a planet called Lanulos. This being was described as a tall, humanoid figure with an inhuman face. But what really stood out about Indrid Cold was its broad grin, which seemed to be permanently etched onto its face. It wore a long coat that added to its mysterious and unsettling presence.

Those who have encountered Indrid Cold describe it as a truly mysterious presence that is both eerie and unsettling. It keeps its arms crossed and its fists tucked into its armpits, giving it an otherworldly appearance that is hard to forget. It is commonly referred to by some as “Grinning Man.” All in all, the sightings of Indrid Cold remains a perplexing mystery. Since the 1960s there have been some have called it a hoax, but those reports are unproven.

• The Grafton Monster, or “The Beast of Grafton,” has captivated and frightened locals who reside in the thick forests of Grafton County.

In 1964, Robert Cockrell, a Grafton Sentinel reporter, was the first to witness this enigmatic creature. Cockrell describes the monster as “huge,” headless, and possessing smooth, seal-like skin. Despite initial skepticism from his editors, news of the sighting quickly spread throughout West Virginia, leading to numerous search parties scouring the area in search of the elusive beast.

• Deep within the mysterious Bloodrun cave system in Greenbrier County, West Virginia, resides an extraordinary creature known as the Cave Creature. Weighing a staggering 600 pounds and towering at an impressive six to seven feet, this enigmatic being possesses human-like qualities with elongated arms and formidable hands. With its seamless leaping and climbing prowess, the Cave Creature navigates its hairless body through the labyrinthine passages, emerging into the world beyond in relentless pursuit of prey. This captivating legend dates back to the 1850s, with whispers even among the ancient Shawnee Indians.


• The mysterious Appalachian Mountains have for long whispered of their secret inhabitants – the Fishmen. Recently spotted in West Virginia’s rivers, these cryptids seem to be a blend of human and fish. With their webbed hands and powerful tails propelling them through the water, these creatures represent a possible step forward in river evolution. This has led to a flurry of activity among cryptozoologists and researchers alike, all eager to discover more about this unique aquatic species. As the Fishmen remain elusive, many questions remain unanswered – but the search continues…

Although sightings have been scarce, some believe that these mysterious creatures can be found in other locations around the world. Perhaps they live in freshwater lakes, coastal waters, and oceans. It is possible that they have been living in secrecy for centuries and are only now emerging from the shadows.

Scientists studying the Fishmen have noticed similarities between them and other aquatic species. This has led to speculation about whether they represent an early stage of evolution, or a hybrid species created by science gone wrong. Whatever the case may be, the Fishmen leave us with many unanswered questions. Could they be ancestors of humans? Are they a product of human oppression or experimentation? Or are they simply an isolated population that has adapted to its environment? The answers remain elusive, but it is clear that the Fishmen offer us a unique perspective on humanity and our place in the natural world. As we learn more about their biology, behavior, and culture, we will gain

• The Sheepsquatch, also known as the “White Thing,” is a creature with woolly hair that has been reported in many counties in West Virginia, especially in the southwestern region of the state. Boone, Kanawha, Putnam, and Mason counties have had the most sightings, with a surge in Boone County during the mid-1990s.

Witnesses describe it as about the size of a bear, with completely white fur resembling wool. It has a long and pointed head, but with dagger-like teeth and a pair of goat-like horns. Its front limbs end in clawed hands, and its tail is long and hairless like an opossum. It is said to have a strong sulfuric or musky odor, perhaps due to its origin from the TNT area of Mason County.

In conclusion, West Virginia is a land teeming with enigmatic creatures and cryptids, some steeped in centuries-old legends and others intriguingly fresh. Thanks to Scaldcrow Games, these extraordinary beings are immortalized in an ongoing documentary series, sharing their captivating narratives and inviting them to come alive in the realm of role-playing games. The fusion of these remarkable creatures with the boundless entertainment of RPGs promises an abundance of enthralling adventures. With West Virginia’s vast array of cryptids, be assured that numerous untold tales await amid its entangled forests and rolling hills. While these cryptid stories may initially sound like folklore, they are indeed authentic and ever-present for those who venture deep enough. Which creatures would you most yearn to encounter in your RPG escapades? Share your wish list in the comments below! So, until we meet again, remember: imagination serves as the gateway to innovation and discovery!

Thanks for reading, and happy RPGing! Sincerely, The Scaldcrow Team.


  1. Elie M. on July 1, 2023 at 11:25 AM

    I had no idea there are so many cryptids in WVA. Thanks for the information

  2. Gina on July 6, 2023 at 6:00 PM

    “Have you ever dreamed of exploring a land filled with mythical creatures…” Yes, please! Gotta go looking for that Sheepsquatch, I’m thinkin’…