Halloween Cryptid Series: Cave Creature

The Cave Creature

As the leaves turn orange and red, and the winds turn chilly, our minds turn to the supernatural, the unexplained, the spooky. In the spirit of Halloween, we’ll be delving today into the realm of cryptids, those mysterious creatures that may or may not exist beyond the fringe of mainstream science. Our focus will be on the Cave Creature of West Virginia, a legend that has persisted for over a century and has captured the imaginations of many. Here, we’ll be exploring what little we know about this elusive monster, and piecing together the history and sightings that may help us create our own picture of this creature.

Deep in the Greenbrier County lies the Bloodrun cave system, a network of interconnected underground tunnels that have been known to harbor all manner of cryptids over the years. One of them is the Cave Creature, a formidable beast that stands at a height of six to seven feet and weighs up to a massive 600 pounds. Reports suggest that it has a hairless body with elongated arms and hands that make it look almost human-like. Its dominant physical characteristics enable the creature to jump and climb through the narrow tunnels and passages with ease, making it a formidable hunter in the dark depths of the cave.

The Cave Creature is believed to have a long history, emerging as a legend that dates back to the 1850s. Native American history contains whispers of this creature, with some storytellers of the Shawnee tribe sharing tales of a wild beast that lived deep within the cavernous underground system. However, it wasn’t until the 20th century that sightings of the creature started to pile up.

There have been various reports of Cave Creature sightings over the years, from locals and amateur spelunkers to experienced and professional researchers. Partial footprints and claw marks have been discovered around the cave area, and some eyewitnesses have claimed to have seen the creature in broad daylight. The most common sightings of the Cave Creature occur around the Bloodrun cave system, where it has been seen emerging from the shadows and darting back in when confronted. Despite these eyewitness accounts, there is no hard evidence to suggest the creature exists beyond the realm of myth.

With the advent of modern technology, there have been some attempts to capture evidence of the Cave Creature using high-tech cameras and recording equipment. A few amateur films and photos have made the rounds on the internet, but they are often questionable in terms of their authenticity. However, the technology is becoming more sophisticated each year, and it’s possible we may catch a glimpse of the elusive creature in the future.

While the Cave Creature of West Virginia remains in the realm of the inexplicable, it’s exciting to think that there may be a cryptid hidden deep within the labyrinthine caves of the region. With so little known about the creature, it remains to be seen whether it’s just a legend or a real-life monster. Nevertheless, the legend of the Cave Creature continues to fascinate researchers, locals, spelunkers, and anyone intrigued by the prospect of a creature lurking in the deep, dark caves of West Virginia. Who knows what other creatures remain hidden in the depths of the Earth? Maybe one day, we’ll explore and discover the unimaginable, bringing new life to old tales and legends.

Cave Creature Comes to the Gaming Table

Introducing the Cave Creature into a story campaign can add an exciting and dynamic element to the narrative. The creature’s unique abilities, such as its superhuman agility and strength, make it a formidable adversary or a powerful ally, depending on how it is positioned within the story. Its mysterious origins and ties to ancient Shawnee Indian folklore can also provide rich material for world-building and character development. Furthermore, the creature’s fears and preferences – such as its fear of light and love for enclosed spaces – can be used to create interesting plot points and challenges for the characters to overcome. Finally, the creature’s nocturnal and solitary nature, along with its territoriality, can add a thrilling sense of danger and unpredictability to the campaign.

PPRPG Statistics for Worlds of Pulp from Scaldcrow Games

The Cave Creature

Species: Presumably not human

Core Abilities

  • Combat: 9
  • Agility: 10 + 4
  • Might: 10 + 2
  • Willpower: 8
  • X-Factor: 7
  • Magnitude: 10 + 1
  • Toughness: 10 + 3
  • Intelligence: 6
  • Perception: 10 + 5

Hits: 24


  • Fear of Light: 9
  • Agoraphobia (fear of open spaces): 8
  • Claustrophilia (love of enclosed spaces): 10
  • Nocturnal: 10
  • Solitary: 9
  • Territorial: 10


  • Climbing: 10
  • Leaping: 10
  • Stealth: 9
  • Tracking: 8
  • Hunting: 9
  • Cave Navigation: 10

Description: A massive, hairless creature with a heavy-set frame and elongated arms, the Cave Creature’s eyes glow a haunting yellow in the darkness. It carries no visible weapons but its formidable hands are enough.

Backstory: Born of ancient folklore and whispered among Shawnee Indians, the Cave Creature is an enigma. Dwelling deep within the Bloodrun cave system in West Virginia, it has haunted the labyrinthine passages since the 1850s. Despite its human-like qualities, it is anything but, possessing superhuman agility and might. It emerges from its subterranean lair only to hunt, its fearsome presence a chilling reminder of the mysteries that lurk beneath the earth.

Story Hooks-The Cave Creature

  1. The Lost Expedition: A group of explorers venture into the Bloodrun cave system, hoping to discover more about the mysterious Cave Creature. When communication is lost, the adventurers must go in after them.
  2. The Stolen Artifact: An ancient Shawnee relic is stolen, rumored to be connected to the Cave Creature. The adventurers are hired to retrieve it from the depths of the labyrinthine caves.
  3. The Unsettling Murals: Ancient cave paintings depicting the Cave Creature are discovered. The adventurers must decipher their meaning before an impending disaster strikes.
  4. The Vanishing Miners: Miners start disappearing from a recently opened mine that intersects with the Bloodrun caves. The adventurers must find the missing miners and deal with the Cave Creature responsible.
  5. The Subterranean City: A long-lost underground city is discovered, inhabited by numerous Cave Creatures. The adventurers must navigate this dangerous landscape to prevent an invasion on the surface world.
  6. The Moonlit Hunt: Every full moon, the Cave Creature is said to emerge from its lair to hunt. The adventurers must track and capture it during one of these rare appearances.
  7. The Cave’s Curse: There’s a local legend about a curse associated with the Cave Creature. When strange events start happening in town, the adventurers must investigate if there’s any truth to the tale.
  8. The Feral Child: A child supposedly raised by the Cave Creature is found. The adventurers are tasked with safely returning the child to civilization while also learning more about the creature’s behaviors.
  9. The Monster Hunter: A renowned monster hunter arrives in town, determined to kill the Cave Creature. The adventurers must decide if they will aid in the hunt or protect the creature.
  10. The Ancient Ritual: The Shawnee Indians have a ritual believed to appease the Cave Creature. When it goes awry, the adventurers must fix it before the angered creature wreaks havoc.

Nightfall in Bloodrun: The Cave Crearture Stirs

Deep within the heart of the foreboding forest, a yawning chasm of blackness beckoned ominously at the base of an imposing crag. This was the entrance to the dreaded Bloodrun caves, the sinister dwelling of the Cave Creature. The tranquillity of the night was punctuated only by sporadic rustling of the leaves and the distant hooting of a lone owl. Suddenly, a guttural growl echoed from the abyss of the cave, its chilling resonance bouncing off the cold stone walls and slicing through the silence with a terrifying sharpness.

The very earth seemed to shudder as the creature stirred, its monstrous footsteps sending tremors through the ground. Its eyes, twin orbs radiating a malevolent glow, pierced the darkness as they surveyed the entrance of its lair. An icy wind blew through the trees, carrying with it the musky scent of damp soil and a hint of something far more ominous.

With an unsettling grace, the creature emerged, its massive silhouette barely visible against the lightless night. Its raspy breath filled the air, a spine-chilling testament to its monstrous existence. It moved with a disturbing fluidity, melting into the shadows of the forest. All that remained was the echo of its growl, a bone-chilling serenade that signaled the commencement of another night of unspeakable horror.


  1. Charles M. on September 27, 2023 at 12:51 PM

    Nice! just what my Hallo-SCREAM game needs!