
geek opera

Scaldcrow Games Articles News, and Upcoming Projects written by T.Glenn Bane and authorized contributors.


Cryptid Halloween Series: Sheepsquatch

By Glenn Bane

The Sheepsquatch, also known as the “White Thing,” is a creature with woolly hair that has been reported in many counties in West Virginia, especially in the southwestern region of the state. Boone, Kanawha, Putnam, and Mason counties have had the most sightings, with a surge in Boone County during the mid-1990s. Witnesses describe it…

They Huffed and they Puffed…

By Arthur Thomas Worth

Ah, reminiscing about the 80s, I recall the thrilling adventures in the company of friends, amidst an abundance of candy and soda. Together, we triumphed over dragons, battled monsters, and embraced heroic pursuits. Yet, unbeknownst to us, there lingered a shadowy menace beyond the realm of the game. It pervaded every corner of existence. Alas,…

Halloween Cryptid Series: Flatwoods Monster

By Glenn Bane

Do you believe in cryptids? West Virginia’s Flatwoods Monster is a legendary creature surrounded by mystery and folklore. For years, it has been the subject of speculation among role-playing gamers and pulp enthusiasts alike. But what do we know about the fearsome Flatwoods Monster lurking within our imagination? In this blog series, we will take…

Sixteen Years and Still Going Strong

By Glenn Bane

On this Independence Day, Scaldcrow Games celebrates our 16th year. We want to express our gratitude to our dedicated contributors and loyal players who stood by us through the years. Without their unwavering support, we would not be where we are today. It’s hard to believe how much time has flown by since we first…

Cryptids and Legends of West Virginia

By Glenn Bane

Have you ever dreamed of exploring a land filled with mythical creatures, forgotten secrets, and mysterious folklore? Then you’ll be delighted to hear about the cryptids of West Virginia! This hidden realm is home to an array of legendary monsters, spirits, and other strange phenomena. From “fishmen” lurking in the rivers to bigfoot sightings in…

Worlds of Pulp Storytelling Elements

By Glenn Bane

Welcome to the epic world of Pulp RPGs! If you’re new to the Pen and Paper RPG community, you may be wondering about the secret sauce behind creating and playing a truly engaging and memorable pulp-style adventure story. Lucky for you, Worlds of Pulp has an ever-expanding base of campaign worlds encompassing all genres, and…

A few questions on PULPs and RPGs

By Glenn Bane

Are you an avid fan of pen and paper role-playing games? Are you looking for a way to breathe new life into your campaigns? Then this blog post is the perfect thing for you! Pulp gaming has recently surged in popularity, making it one of the best ways to spice up any tabletop session. Whether…

WORLDS OF PULP: The Art of Simple

By Arthur Thomas Worth

When it comes to role playing games, there are many different ways to approach the mechanics of dice rolling. Some games use complex systems with multiple dice, modifiers, and special rules, while Worlds of Pulp sticks to a simple two-dice system with minimal modifiers. While both approaches have their merits, there are several advantages to…


The Dark, Wild Worlds of Pulp Fantasy

By Arthur Thomas Worth

A Realm of Unimaginable Wonders Ladies and gentlemen, one of the oldest and most beloved genres in the world of role-playing games is fantasy. With Worlds of Pulp: Savage Twilight™ set to release in 2024, I want to take a few moments to discuss three of the most popular sub-genres of Pulp Fantasy: Dark Fantasy,…

The Transformative Power of Play

By Arthur Thomas Worth

My dear friends, are you contemplating the idea of joining a group? Or perhaps you already belong to one, but have lost sight of the joy that drew you into the world of gaming. Either way, I invite you to make yourselves comfortable and join me as we delve into this fascinating topic. Let me…

Halloween Cryptid Series: The Bat Boy!

By Glenn Bane

In the heart of the night, when the moon is aglow, And the wind through the pines does eerily blow, On All Hallows’ Eve, under a sky so starry, Unfolds a tale, both dreadful and scary.

Gate Keeping: Spotting It, and Stopping It

By Arthur Thomas Worth

A.T. Worth here inviting you to join me as we investigate the foul phenomena of Gate keeping. Imagine you’ve always wanted to join a group of players for your favorite Tabletop Role-Playing Game (TTRPG). You know the basic rules, you have an exciting character idea, and you’re ready for hours of fun and adventure. But…