By Glenn Bane

My wife suggested I share horror movie reviews with my RPG community. I have no film background but love horror and have experience in storytelling and game design. I’ll give reviews with a skull and cross rating system, comprised of 1-3 skulls and 1-3 crosses, one is the lowest and three is the highest. Crosses…

Halloween Cryptid Series: Fishmen

By Glenn Bane

Gather ’round, folks, and lend an ear to the whispers of the Appalachian Mountains. They tell a tale of strange folk dwelling in their rivers – the Fishmen of West Virginia. Half-human, half-fish, these cryptids have webbed hands and mighty tails for swift swimming. Some reckon they’re a new twist in the river’s tale of…

Cryptid Halloween Series: Sheepsquatch

By Glenn Bane

The Sheepsquatch, also known as the “White Thing,” is a creature with woolly hair that has been reported in many counties in West Virginia, especially in the southwestern region of the state. Boone, Kanawha, Putnam, and Mason counties have had the most sightings, with a surge in Boone County during the mid-1990s. Witnesses describe it…

They Huffed and they Puffed…

By Arthur Thomas Worth

Ah, reminiscing about the 80s, I recall the thrilling adventures in the company of friends, amidst an abundance of candy and soda. Together, we triumphed over dragons, battled monsters, and embraced heroic pursuits. Yet, unbeknownst to us, there lingered a shadowy menace beyond the realm of the game. It pervaded every corner of existence. Alas,…

Making Your Game More Fun for Everyone

By Danny Jackson

Hey, hey, hey, Crow Crew and Role-Playing Game Comancheros! Are you ready to kick your game up a notch? If you want to ensure everyone has a great time, there are a few things to keep in mind. In this post, we will go over some tips on how to behave at a Role-Playing Game…

Tabletop RPGs are Socially Relevant

By Arthur Thomas Worth

Tabletop role-playing games (RPGs) have been around since the 1970s, and they have only grown in popularity since then. These games are unique in that they allow players to create their own characters and storylines, immersing themselves in a fantasy world of their own choosing. But RPGs are much more than just a game –…

Call of the Watch Crow, part-10

By Glenn Bane

Recap: Kall-Ku found the cavern of The-Well-of-Slaves, hidden deep beneath the temple ruins of the beast-god, Taranis, where he was first baptized years ago in the ways of a warrior; the well was fouled by the body of Elana, the very woman who recruited him to escape the planet and join an army of contra-imperial…

Call of the Watch Crow, Part-9

By Glenn Bane

Recap: Barely escaping a Skin-Jacker’s hover platform moments before it exploded, the Mercenary-Slave, Kall-Ku took shelter in a dilapidated ruin as a raging acid storm passed overhead. The loyal War-Shuck remained at Kall-Ku’s side braving the dark ruins with its battle-brother. The only light source was a blue-green glow that emanated from the Mercenary-Slave’s wrist…

Call of the Watch Crow, Part-8

By Glenn Bane

Recap: Seeking escape from the V’Lusian world, Mercenary-Slave Kall-Ku journeyed across the toxic swamp, escaping vile Piranha Women, and monstrous creatures of the swamp. He was later captured by a heinous Skin-jacker, seeking to line his coffers by selling the flesh of stragglers. After defeating his captor, he liberated a magnificent War-Shuck (a genetically engineered…

Call of the Watch Crow, Part-7

By Glenn Bane

Recap: The Consortium and Black Sun Empire continued their battle across the V’Lusian world. The Call of the Watch Crow, a mysterious message had gone out alerting the world to vast change triggering mass revolts as lesser warlords and Chieftains rose up against their V’Lusian overlords. Kall-Ku was approached by the enigmatic Elana with a…