Halloween Cryptid Series: Idrid Cold

We took liberties with the exact appearance of Indrid Cold. We found there were differing accounts, all that claimed they were encounters with Cold.

Indrid Cold

The alien known as Indrid Cold remains shrouded in mystery, but here are some of his reported characteristics and a few links for further information. While researching Indrid Cold, I couldn’t help but notice some similarities to the fictional character, Doctor Who, which could offer many possibilities for this enigmatic figure. Whether he is a traveler from another world or a creepy Doctor type, Indrid Cold could be used for exposition or as a Deus Ex Machina. Though descriptions suggest he appears to be in his mid-30s or 40s, his inhuman features make it difficult to pinpoint his exact appearance.

Indrid Cold has been the subject of strange and unsettling accounts since his first sighting on October 16, 1966, in New Jersey, by Martin “Mouse” Munov and James “Jimmy” Yanchitis, who referred to him as the “Strangest Man” they had ever seen. A few weeks later, on November 2, 1966, Woodrow Derenberger encountered Indrid Cold on his way home from Marietta, Ohio, to Mineral Wells, West Virginia. Derenberger saw a charcoal gray, lantern-shaped craft that defied explanation. The craft hovered in front of his truck before a strange being emerged from it. This was Indrid Cold, who communicated with Derenberger telepathically and claimed to come in peace. Cold stated that he was from a planet called Lanulos and that he was here for a gathering, though the true meaning of this remains unclear.

Described by some, as a tall, humanoid figure with an inhuman face, Indrid Cold’s most memorable feature is his broad, permanent grin. He is often referred to as the “Grinning Man” and is said to keep his arms crossed with his fists tucked into his armpits, adding to his eerie and otherworldly appearance. While some have dismissed the sightings of Indrid Cold as a hoax since the 1960s, this remains unproven, and his enigmatic presence continues to intrigue and unsettle those who encounter him.

The Story of Indrid Cold – Spooky Appalachia

Woodrow Derenberger and the Legend of Indrid Cold | The Daily Yonder